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For more infor­ma­tion about how PEMF devices — and Pulsed Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Biol­o­gy — Con­tact Us .

PEMF Network

Network Conection

This guide pro­vides a series of tools that answer most ques­tions about PEMF ther­a­py. Our goal is to enable suc­cess­ful per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al use for a many con­di­tions includ­ing Back Pain.

Check out the Video Tutors:

  • How To Use — Illus­trates how to suc­cess­ful­ly and safe­ly use PEMF devices
  • How PEMF Works — With more sci­en­tif­ic expla­na­tions of how and why PEMF works.

Get off to a good start with PEMF

Our video guide help first-timers have a suc­cess­ful ini­tial PEMF expe­ri­ence.

Are you a Care Provider?

  • Would these guides help your patients/clients?
  • How much time do you spend repeat­ing your­self?
  • How much does that time cost?
  • Do you use best prac­tice for PEMF ther­a­py?
  • Do you have enough clients?
  • Let us help… Con­tact Us Now

PEMF Science

How does it all work? Here two pre­sen­ta­tions:

PEMF Devices

If you’re look­ing for a PEMF device… Con­tact us to dis­cuss pur­chase and lease options, or vis­it our store.

How To Use Videos

This video series pro­vides end-user guid­ance of how to use Mag­na­pulse devices. These videos are designed as basic instruc­tion man­u­als for most users. They use basic lan­guage and images to instruct usage.

These videos are pro­vid­ed to all of our cus­tomers in a pri­vate por­tal and to our provider net­work enabling hand-held dis­tri­b­u­tion and mobile-device use in clin­ics.

MagnaPulse Pre-Flight Briefing

This video pro­vides pre-ther­a­py brief­ing. It pre­pares a first-time user for a ther­a­py expe­ri­ence:

  • Under­stand the prob­a­ble respons­es
  • Very basic his­to­ry and mod­el of how PEMF works
  • Estab­lish ses­sion goals
  • Dura­tion 1:40 min

Users should be ready to begin the first ses­sion tuto­r­i­al after they com­plete this video.

First Session Tutor

This video pro­vide a basic method to admin­is­ter a first PEMF first ses­sion:

  • Basic Safe­ty Con­sid­er­a­tions
  • Dis­clo­sure of Exper­i­men­tal Device Usage
  • Ini­tial eval­u­a­tion
  • Pos­i­tive respon­der test
  • Treat­ment of joint
  • Expla­na­tion of sen­sa­tions
  • Under­stand­ing com­ple­tion
  • Dura­tion 5:42 min

After Therapy Guide

This video pro­vide a basic under­stand the ther­a­py response:

  • How long will it last?
  • Under­stand­ing your response
  • Next Steps and addi­tion­al resources
  • Detox Explained
  • Dura­tion 4:26 min

PEMF Pro Guide

If you’re look­ing to add PEMF to your prac­tice then there’s even more to think about:

  • Your Time Man­age­ment
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Pre­sen­ta­tion
  • Ser­vices Rev­enue
  • Prod­uct Rev­enue
  • Brand Devel­op­ment
  • Dura­tion 3:30

How the care por­tal sys­tem pro­vides a clin­ic-resource to guide your busi­ness devel­op­ment and help you build rev­enue with our oth­er prod­ucts.

Con­tact us Now to set­up your clin­ic por­tal.

How PEMF Works

Over the years we’ve devel­oped the indus­try stan­dard pre­sen­ta­tions used to edu­cate PEMF use. Some­times these pre­sen­ta­tions are too much — oth­er times they’re just per­fect. The trick is know­ing which.

You’ll prob­a­bly notice that these pre­sen­ta­tions are used almost every­where to intro­duce almost every PEMF prod­uct. You’ll also notice that you’re engaged with the cre­ators of these resources.

Con­tact Us Now

Our Care Por­tal plat­form enables our Net­work Part­ners to selec­tive­ly access and re-pub­lish what they need to com­mu­ni­cate with their clients.

Membrane Power

This pre­sen­ta­tion mod­els the cel­lu­lar ener­gy processs and how the volt­ages and feed­backs result in loss of per­for­mance and cel­lu­lar func­tions.

Liver Tutor

PEMF is not a stand alone tech­nol­o­gy. It heav­i­ly relates to sys­tem and oxy­gen sta­tus. We are a tech­nol­o­gy inte­gra­tor and address the whole sys­tem. This big­ger view is crit­i­cal to effec­tive use of PEMF tech­nol­o­gy.

Marketing Support

The next issue many of our cus­tomers encounter is inter­net pres­ence. If you haven’t noticed already we have one of the largest libraries of health and edu­ca­tion­al mate­r­i­al on the inter­net.

We host sites for many of our cus­tomers and include our host­ing ser­vices free of charge. Our con­tent deliv­ery sys­tem is unmatched in deliv­ers per­son­al­ized con­tent any­where and any­time. See our Con­tent Deliv­ery



  1. Fas­ci­nat­ing videos. I need to know the price of these machines and where they may be pur­chased. Thank you.….Shelby Paoli

    1. Hi Shel­by. We sell them. You can reach us at 970 372 4344. They are list­ed on our store under PEMF devices.

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MagnaPulse PEMF Systems