We will contact you when someone in your area fills out our Request PEMF Provider form. This private contact method enables us to respect everyone’s privacy.
- PEMF Devices date back 100 years
- They use a burst pulse — not resonant
- Near immediate decrease in discomfort and inflammation
- Increase cellular energy
- Widely applicable for most conditions — cells with low energy status
Join Provider Network
We do not publish your information. We will connect you to the person who requests services.
More Resources
This guide provides a series of tools that answer most questions about PEMF therapy. Our goal is to enable successful personal and professional use for a many conditions including Back Pain.
Check out the Video Tutors:
- How To Use — Illustrates how to successfully and safely use PEMF devices
- How PEMF Works — With more scientific explanations of how and why PEMF works.
Get off to a good start with PEMF
Our video guide help first-timers have a successful initial PEMF experience.
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- Do you use best practice for PEMF therapy?
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- Let us help… Contact Us Now
PEMF Science
How does it all work? Here two presentations:
PEMF Devices
If you’re looking for a PEMF device… Contact us to discuss purchase and lease options, or visit our store.
How To Use Videos
This video series provides end-user guidance of how to use MagnaPulse devices. These videos are designed as basic instruction manuals for most users. They use basic language and images to instruct usage.
These videos are provided to all of our customers in a private portal and to our provider network enabling hand-held distribution and mobile-device use in clinics.
MagnaPulse Pre-Flight Briefing
This video provides pre-therapy briefing. It prepares a first-time user for a therapy experience:
- Understand the probable responses
- Very basic history and model of how PEMF works
- Establish session goals
- Duration 1:40 min
Users should be ready to begin the first session tutorial after they complete this video.
First Session Tutor
This video provide a basic method to administer a first PEMF first session:
- Basic Safety Considerations
- Disclosure of Experimental Device Usage
- Initial evaluation
- Positive responder test
- Treatment of joint
- Explanation of sensations
- Understanding completion
- Duration 5:42 min
After Therapy Guide
This video provide a basic understand the therapy response:
- How long will it last?
- Understanding your response
- Next Steps and additional resources
- Detox Explained
- Duration 4:26 min
PEMF Pro Guide
If you’re looking to add PEMF to your practice then there’s even more to think about:
- Your Time Management
- Professional Presentation
- Services Revenue
- Product Revenue
- Brand Development
- Duration 3:30
How the care portal system provides a clinic-resource to guide your business development and help you build revenue with our other products.
Contact us Now to setup your clinic portal.
How PEMF Works
Over the years we’ve developed the industry standard presentations used to educate PEMF use. Sometimes these presentations are too much — other times they’re just perfect. The trick is knowing which.
You’ll probably notice that these presentations are used almost everywhere to introduce almost every PEMF product. You’ll also notice that you’re engaged with the creators of these resources.
Our Care Portal platform enables our Network Partners to selectively access and re-publish what they need to communicate with their clients.
Membrane Power
This presentation models the cellular energy processs and how the voltages and feedbacks result in loss of performance and cellular functions.
Liver Tutor
PEMF is not a stand alone technology. It heavily relates to system and oxygen status. We are a technology integrator and address the whole system. This bigger view is critical to effective use of PEMF technology.
Marketing Support
The next issue many of our customers encounter is internet presence. If you haven’t noticed already we have one of the largest libraries of health and educational material on the internet.
We host sites for many of our customers and include our hosting services free of charge. Our content delivery system is unmatched in delivers personalized content anywhere and anytime. See our Content Delivery